Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Calves Insisted On A Second Breakfast

Corn Popping Up
We have one group of calves in a pasture field that has no fence separating it from a field for crops. We only raise corn in that part of it during the summer as it stays too wet the rest of the year.

The corn had begun to come up and we knew we needed to move the calves before they began munching and stomping it. We drove two trucks to the gate where the calves were and I began to call them and shake a feed bucket to get their attention. When they heard the sounds and calls their ears beckoned and they began to trot in our direction.

The calves easily walked on out into the road and began following me as I drove through the fields toward their new home pasture. Then they stopped. I called, got out of the truck and shook my bucket to get their attention again while the other truck stayed behind them to try and nudge them forward.

As we crossed the hay fields the calves got a new idea. Although they had a bite to eat earlier, it seemed they really needed a second breakfast.

Calves Eating 2cd Breakfast

Like the hobbits, evidently.

With a bit of patience we eventually convinced the calves that there would be more "breakfast" in their new pasture if they would just come on and follow us. They eventually did see reason and are now happily living (and eating!) in their new field.

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