
Monday, April 1, 2013

Thanks, Judi!

farmnwifeWithout a doubt my blog hero is Judi Graff. She contacted me not long after I began blogging and nominated me as one of her Featured Farmers. Since then she has been my best resource for social media help of all kinds.

Her how-to blog posts at FarmNWife have really helped me in writing, formatting, and sharing. She's also active on Twitter sending out great articles to read to improve your blogging performance.

Dear Judi, How Do I....?

The best thing about Judi is that she always responds back to questions. She's direct and honest. What more could you want? Recently she invited a group of ag bloggers to join a blogging overhaul group and I was lucky enough to be one of them. Step by step she encouraged, prodded, and ordered (haha) us to make changes to our blogs. Hopefully, you've seen some of the changes I've made here because of it, like getting an About page, for instance.

Sometimes you need a fresh set of eyes to show you what you missed. Sometimes you need a kick in the tail to do make a change you knew you should have made long ago but were too lazy to do.

Last year I got to meet Judi in person. She had brought her boys to a beef judging workshop close by and we met for lunch. It was a fun experience to talk with someone in person that you had only known online.

Judi's Advice I Learned From

There are plenty more where those came from!

Even More

Janice Person has organized a great list of other bloggers giving thanks. Here's an excerpt of her post below:

Judi has a lot going on and the fact that she takes time to help us all help ourselves be better bloggers is a big commitment of time that could be spent working cows, writing blog posts, spending time with the family, etc. Several of the group wanted to say thank you for that. So here are some posts you may want to read: