
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Preparing For The Cold On The Dairy

With an upcoming cold spell coming we are trying to get things ready for ourselves and the cows. While it won't be as bad as last year's Polar Vortex, it still isn't anything we are looking forward to.

One of our biggest concerns is that the silo unloaders and the conveyors might freeze. We've purchased some large, high quality hay bales and have them ready to feed in case that happens.

While we do keep our baby calves in the calf barn they will appreciate more straw bedding when the temp's drop. We may also feed them more milk to keep their energy levels up.

Of course the cows are not the only creatures on the farm that need to stay warm. Don't forget the farmers! This week we purchased a new forced air heater to put in the dairy barn to keep us warm while milking and to thaw out any frozen pipes.

Unfortunately this means we'll be replacing our old one that plays the first note of the Star Wars theme when it comes on. Don't believe me? Give it a listen.

Winter weather we are ready as we'll ever be!

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