
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Take A Walk On A Calf's Side

This calf had outgrown her stall today
She needed to move to a bigger place to play
When we passed the silo
All she did was go go go
And said, "Hey, Farmer, take a walk on a calf's side."
She said, "Hey, farmer, take a walk on a calf's side."
Doo do doo do doo do do doo...

baby calf milk
Moving Baby Calf With Milk

When our calves get to be about two months old we move them, usually with a bucket of milk, from our calf barn where they were housed in individual stalls. They have been slowly weaned from milk for the last ten days or so. Now they will be in a large pen with six to eight calves that are approximately the same size. I have no idea what they might be singing next!

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