
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Dear Diary, I'm Done With The Cold

Dear Diary,

I am very thankful that we finally made it above freezing today and practically over 50 degrees. Let me tell you, I am done with the cold. This is the kind of thing I've been dealing with:

Frozen Ice In The Cows' Water Tank
We just finished our second round of cold weather. While other farmers may deal with daily highs in the 20's regularly, we don't in the south east. We have busted ice for the cows and calves to drink. We have carried hot water to pour on frozen pipes to try and thaw them. We have just plain carried water so they could drink. Let me be truthful diary, I never knew calves could drink so many bucketfuls of water in order to get their fill until I started carrying it.

Round three of cold weather is in the forecast for tomorrow. Lets hope this is the last one for at least a little while. In the meantime I'll keep my coveralls out and my gloves on the heater vent.

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