
Monday, February 25, 2013

Prancing, Dancing Lily App Review

I was pretty excited to be contacted by Fat Red Couch to receive a free promo copy and review their new app Prancing, Dancing Lily which is based on the children's book by Marsha Diane Arnold. They have versions available from Itunes, Google Play, and the one I chose at the Amazon Kindle Store.

In order to have a good app you must first start with good content. The story is about a dairy cow that doesn't quite fit in with her herd and travels the world to find her dance before she returns to the farm. The app begins by giving you the choice of reading the book to yourself or having some very talented voices read it to you. When the book reads to you the words are highlighted as they are read.


The graphics are delightful and some move, as you can see in the above video, bringing the story to life. Music also punctuates the story and delighted my children. The app also has puzzles of different levels for your child to work.

I liked the way you could easily advance the pages, click on items in the story, as well as the scene selection tab at the top. Ease of use for this app is very kid friendly. My only fault would be that, at least on my Kindle Fire tablet, some of the words on the page would be cut off and you could not see them. I have emailed the makers and they are already submitting updates to take care of these issues. Glad to know they support their product!

One of the most interesting things about it for me as a dairy farmer was finding out that the author grew up on a dairy farm herself. Marsha Diane Arnold not only worked on her father's farm in Kansas, but also was once a Kansas Dairy Princess. I was very glad to see dairy farming shown in a positive light in the app.

All in all, this was a fun app for small kids to read and play with and I would recommend Prancing, Dancing Lily as a fun app for them to have.


  1. When I saw your blog title, SILO SKIES, I got a bit emotional. Growing up on a dairy farm is a very special experience, as you know. I see you are a 100 cow dairy farmer; my father had 30 Ayrshires. I see you have an overactive imagination. That's a good thing. :)

    Thank you so much for this amazing and thorough review. I love it! Thanks also for the heads up about Kindle.

    Your blog makes me smile. I'll be following you and reliving some of my childhood experiences through your words.

    In Joy,

    1. You have an entertaining story turned into a fun to play app and I hoped my review would show that.

      Thank you for the kind words about my blog. I love to share my story about farm life with others and I'm glad to make you smile and remember.

      I enjoyed looking at your website and the way you connect with your readers. As an aspiring writer I also liked the way you are willing to give help. :)
