
Thursday, December 6, 2012

December Hay

Our hay production was not as good as we hoped it would be this year. The drought we experienced this spring really deprived us of much production. What hay we did put up from the first cutting was too dry and right now even some of our finicky calves don't like it as much as they should.

Later cuttings we harvested came in between rains. We had lots of weeks in late summer and early fall when it would rain three or four days out of the week. You have to have at least a couple days of dry weather and low humidity to get up good quality hay and that didn't happen very often.

This year we broke our record of latest hay baling in the year. We finished this week. Normally we don't have seventy degree weather in December, but you have to make the best of what comes along and we did!

So it isn't exactly Christmas hay, but we're glad to get it harvested. This last hay will be fed to heifers this winter and I know they are going to enjoy it.

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