
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Just Talkin' Farm Work

Lots of things happening on the farm this week. The one I'm most proud of is that we finally got one group of calves moved. We have different fields for different sized animals. As they move up in size we move them to the next field. We have been on the receiving end of much rain lately and it has been too muddy to move them with our trailer. This week it dried out and we could finally check that off our to do list.

As spring gets closer our silage supply gets lower. This photo was taken inside of our 20 foot by 70 foot silo. About once every 10-14 days we have to lower the silo unloader to the next window like I did this day. We still have a bit of it left and hopefully enough until it is time to chop our winter wheat. In the meantime we are supplementing the cows diet with some really good lookin' leafy green hay we purchased.

I finished out the week with an off farm trip to a Tennessee Farm Bureau District Kick-off Meeting. Farmers gathering together to support one another and working together to bring a voice to consumers and legislatures alike; what a great organization to be a part of.

One of the interesting things discussed at the meeting was the new child labor law. I believe that farm work provided the discipline I needed as a child to make me a better person as an adult. I would hate to think that laws could be passed that might hinder me from providing that same opportunity to instill those values in my own children.

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