
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Are There Snow Days on Dairy Farms?

There's just one reason that my kids perk up and want to actually watch the news.  It is when they hear the magic word: snow. Or as they say in White Christmas:

So when the news of possible snow arriving tonight was mentioned they have been very excited about the chance of missing school. I'm sure they'll use their guaranteed method of wearing their pajamas inside out to make sure they get some of the white stuff on the ground.

But what about dear old dad?  No, there's no snow days for dairy farmers.  The cows have to be fed and milked just like any other day.  Bad weather of any kind just makes our chores a little harder.  We usually have to cut back on any extra things we might want to do in order for us to have time to make sure the cows and calves have plenty of water and feed.  We have a generator in case the power goes out so we can still milk the cows twice a day and feed.

Here's a video from a few years ago where we were out feeding a round bale of hay to our pregnant cows after a small snow.

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