
Friday, October 14, 2011

The Quiet Solitude of Farm Life

heifer eating grain

Working with animals and being outside are some of the things I enjoy most about farm life. Growing up I can't say that I fully appreciated the gift I had of living on a farm.  That isn't at all to say I didn't enjoy it.  I spent my time working with the calves and cows, in the fields, hiking around with my Grandmother, and exploring with my cousins.  My childhood was defining me at the time, but I didn't know it yet.

Being in college was the first time I had been away from farm life on a regular basis. Concrete, noise, and papers seemed to go on and on.  The opportunity to go home on the weekends and work on the farm was what kept me grounded.  That was when I realized the importance of green spaces and parks in towns.  Connection.  I mean I knew that land should be set aside for nature just for nature's sake, but I didn't recognize our need for being in nature.  

I can't imagine not being on the farm everyday.  Whether it is the quietness of feeding the heifers out in the pastures or working in the fields on the tractor, there is something undeniably honest about farm life.

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