
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Morning On the Farm

Dairy farmers start their mornings early.  At 4:30 I was bringing the cows off the pasture to be milked.

milking dairy cows

While the cows were being milked I started doing the feeding.  First, I let the dry cows come down out of their pasture to eat their morning breakfast of silage.  These are pregnant cows that are taking their maternity leave from milking for around sixty days.  One of them had a calf last night and we were lucky enough that she brought it down to the barn with her.

Next I began feeding small groups of calves and then the baby calves in the calf barn.  These little calves drink milk twice a day, along with water, hay, and grain.  They grow up fast.

By the time this is completed we move the dry cows out and begin the morning feeding for the dairy cows after they finish milking.  After cleaning up the dairy barn I headed out the fields to feed grain to our larger heifers that will one day join the milking herd.

Finally, after that was finished, it was time for me to grab some breakfast before starting the morning chores.

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