
Wednesday, April 13, 2011


dairy farmer caps

Some of us have a lot of hats that we wear.  Mine, in no particular order, include father, husband, son, friend, farmer, and a few more.  Wearing the right hat at the right time is not always an easy task.  While many people can indentify with some hats I wear there are less than 2% of the population that wear a farmer hat like me.

I went to town to do some non-farm business the other day and as usual I was wearing a farm hat and coat.  While waiting on some paperwork the sales clerk began asking about what kind of farming I do and reminiscing about her own childhood farm memories.  Unfortantly for me I was focused only on me and missed a great opportunity to spread the good news about milk.  I forgot my hat.  A few days later I was again in town and fell into the same situation.  This time I was pro-active and talked about dairy farming and the ways we provide safe wholesome milk with happy healthy cows.  I was proud of the hat I was wearing.

1 comment:

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