
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Not Just A Number

dairy cow tags

Our cows wear a number, but that does not make them just a number.  We don't have a philosophical reason for not giving our animals names, for us, the number on their "necklace" suffices.  With around 100 milking cows on our farm we still recognize their personality quirks.  427 only wants to eat at the end of the feedway, 65 only goes into the barn on the very last run (don't even ask her to go earlier), and 377 likes to hang out in the pasture field.

Large farms are no different.  You still must have employees watching the animals to find out how they are behaving to help them reach their full potential in the herd.  What is a big factory farm?  I really don't know.  I think any farm that takes pride in their animals and gets to know them and their needs can find success in more than just numbers.

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